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blake griffin

I believe he is going to put the car in the pot by himself. Anyway, I am not scared.


blake griffin

On January 31, 2012, during a game between the LA Clippers and the Oklahoma Thunders, an animal basketball player jumped from the second floor onto Kendrick Perkins. Even though Perkins was injured, the player was so high that he was able to dunk the ball, which was probably not captured in a poster.


blake griffin

Jordan has been switched to playing the center position and is now playing in the number 6 spot.


blake griffin

The writers did not work together because they were too busy complimenting each other. They were looking at a video on a website called "Video Site" that featured a breeder. The video had a blend of 1 and ob 4, and it also had a sleeve insertion.


blake griffin

I have never seen anyone else dunk a basketball with as much excitement and energy as Blake Griffin. Even when other great dunkers like LeBron James and Dwight Howard do it, it looks more like they are focusing on the technical aspects like jumping and timing. But when Griffin dunks, it looks like a tiger attacking its prey with a fierce hunger in its eyes.


blake griffin

I was so frustrated with this person who was praised by everyone for their gunning skills. I had never seen them in person, but I had watched videos of them making Pau Gasol look bad over and over again. I was so desperate to see them live that I bought a ticket to a basketball game on February 12th, but they were sold out the next day. I'm wondering why this happened to me, even though I don't believe in any religion. What did I do wrong?

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